No Show Policy
Posted on: 29 September
No Show Policy
No-Shows and same day cancellations (No-Shows) in competition
Strathfield Golf Club’s (SGC) No-Show policy details our approach to players who do not turn up for their designated tee times or those players who cancel their bookings on the day of competition on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays competitions.
As our membership approaches capacity, tee times especially on Saturdays and Sundays are in high demand and unfortunately a small sub-set of members fail to show up to the course for their scheduled round or cancel their tee times on the day of play via the Pro Shop. This behaviour is disrespectful to fellow players, the field and the general Membership and not consistent with how we expect our members to conduct themselves.
While we acknowledge there may be legitimate reasons for some No-Shows such as illness, we have found this not to be the case in many instances.
SGC approach to No-Shows:
* Applicable competition days are Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. This may be subject to change and may apply to those members identified as regular No-Shows in other weekday competitions.
* The Club Professional has the discretion to add or remove players from the No-Show register and will consider extenuating circumstances such as: illness, personal circumstances, inclement weather or late drop‑ins into the competition from the wait list.
* No-Shows will be recorded by ProShop staff in MiClub, and communicated to the Golfing Manager who will email No-Show players advising them they have been treated as a No-Show.
* No-Show players will be given an opportunity to explain mitigating circumstances why they should not be considered a No-Show.
* Members are expected to remove themselves from the competition waiting list if they don’t want to be accepted as a last minute starter in competition and risk being identified as a No-Show.
* Member’s identified as No-Shows will be subject to the below penalties.
No-Show penalties
* No-Show golfer’s house account will be charged $30 for each No-Show. This fee is inclusive of the $20 competition fee and $10 administration charge.
* Each additional No-Show will incur a $30 charge to the player’s house account.
Repeat No-Show offenders may be subject to additional disciplinary action to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.